Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hello Mermaids!

My name is Erica, wife to Warren, homeschooling mama to 6 year old twin girls, and baby girl turns two next week. Hold me now.

Kristi has invited me to blog for her. I have to admit, it's a little terrifying. I am very new to fashion, so I wasn't sure what I had to bring to this fabulous community of women...but then it clicked! We are a community of women, and my posts don't necessarily need to have fashion tips to be useful.

In August of last year I had decided to delete my Facebook, for various reasons, I have never been happier. I started using my Instagram solely, and I'm SO glad I did. I stumbled across Nobella Grace, and I haven't looked back. I not only LOVE the clothes they have to offer, but I have "met" so many wonderful and encouraging women.

It was simply amazing. Women supporting women? Who knew? I had never really experienced anything like it before. It was so encouraging!

 To be quite honest, finding Nobella Grace, and stepping away from Facebook, was the beginning of me finding myself. I have always stayed very much in my comfort zone, in all areas of my life. I did not really ever wear dresses, bold prints, and everything in my closet was "safe." Nobella Grace has helped me step off the ledge a bit. It has been so much fun!

I wanted to share a few of my favorite past Nobella Grace selfies!


Until next time.....

Erica 💋

Monday, February 23, 2015

{{Spring Cleaning}}

Hi Mermaids!
Spring is just around the corner and I don't know about you, but I DEFINITELY need to start some {{Spring Cleaning}}!
Now I'm not talking about the boring cleaning--dusting, vacuuming, laundry, etc.
I'm talking about the FUN cleaning...organizing and revamping your closet!
I will share my tips and tricks to get everything in your closet organized and in line...just in time for the spring blooms!

1. Make your closet a chic boutique:
Wouldn't you LOVE if Nobella Grace was your ENTIRE closet? I know I would! Imagine your closet as your favorite boutique and add fun details and colors to make it all yours! Maybe a cute print right by the closet door? Or colorful wooden letters of your initals? Or organizational bins in a fun print? Make your closet a fun, fashionable place where you like to be!

2. Play HOT or NOT:
Go through each item, keep what is HOT (items you LOVE) and eliminate what is NOT (items that you never wear or no longer flatter your body). While you do this, keep a list of items you feel you need to add to your closet (colors you're missing, patterns you wish you had, or staple pieces that you need)

3. Group similar items together:
I like to group my clothing items by type, but some people prefer color! It's totally up to you! Here's how my closet looks:
From left to right I have: Skinny strap tops, tank tops, short sleeve tops, 3/4 length tops, kimonos, and long sleeve tops. Next, I have shorts, skirts, maxi skirts, skinny strap dresses, tank dresses, short sleeve dresses, and long sleeve dresses. Then I have cardigans, sweaters, and jackets. I keep my pants and jeans in a dresser drawer.
It's so easy finding out what the weather is and then being able to choose what I am going to wear from the section of my choice. I also try to rotate my items in the group. So basically, after I wear and wash something, I put it in the back of the section, so the items that I haven't worn are at the front of the section for next time.

4.  Organization is an ongoing process:
You are not going to become organized in one day! It takes time and work to figure out what works for you, your closet, and your style. Keep trying and please leave any questions that you may have below!

Until Next Time
(Follow Me on Instagram: jvalpintor)

Friday, February 20, 2015

When the "Boss" Gets Sick

I have been working with Nobella Grace's fabulous owner, Kristi, on self-care for the last month or so. After the first of the year I talked her into making herself a priority and doing my 12 week online coaching program. Self care is so important for all of us and as busy women mothers, wives, friends we usually put ourselves very low on the priority list. 

When you're like Kristi - trying to run and grow a business while being super mom to 3 and super wife to Scott - it's really tough to fit in time for YOU. But it is not just important, it is CRITICAL!!!! One of the things that Kristi has struggled with over the years is exhaustion and high stress which has led to adrenal fatigue (worthy of its own post). Because of this, it is really important to set her up with a plan that allows for as much rest and recovery as possible, without pushing the body over the edge.

Kristi has been doing a great job getting in her circuit training and doing a lot of walking outdoors. One of the things that has been most critical for her is the simple act of EATING enough food. We get busy, we get stressed...we don't eat. This is a very bad situation for our bodies. We need nutrition to fuel us for our daily activities and also to aid in the recovery process. Off to a great start on her program, Kristi is already down 7 pounds!!

Kristi's most recent challenge has been dealing with illness. What happens to most of us when we're under the weather is we turn to comfort foods that may not particularly help us feel better and in some cases, can make us feel worse. It is imperative to nourish your body so that it has what it needs for the recovery process. 

Drink Fluids - there is no reason to drink special electrolyte beverages when you are ill, unless specifically advised by your medical professional to treat severe dehydration. Stick to water, flavored (non calorie) waters and herbal teas.

Eat - Make sure you are eating quality lean protein, vegetables and fruits as well as some healthy fats (most people do well with eggs when sick) My favorite homemade soup when I'm sick is my "bodybuilder chicken soup". It's easy to make and feels so good when you feel so bad!

Rest - this is the most critical component of recovery and often the hardest for us to do. Sleep. Rest. Stay off your feet. Get a babysitter. Let someone else do the laundry. You get the idea. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

A Good Year Is Determined By Its' Spring!

Spring is in the air even though the famous Groundhog's from across the nation left us all with conflicting forecasts and even a bitten mayor (Ouch!) But even though these groundhog's might not know what they're talking about in regards to their Spring forecast, Nobella Grace sure does! NBG has been busy posting TONS of new spring arrivals {perfect} for that Bohemian Chic wardrobe of yours! Lots of tunics, printed maxi's, and eye catching prints...there is sure to be something for everyone! :)

Playa Tank - $22 

Mermaids Tank - SOLD OUT
BUT, you can find a TON of other great tanks HERE for less than $20!!
Hopefully I was able to add a little bit of gorgeous fashion inspiration to your Monday morning and let's not forget! This is not your typical Monday...It's President's Day! So let's honor Honest Abe, Old Hickory, Teddy, FDR, JFK, Billy Clinton...can you tell I was getting a kick out of looking up President nicknames this morning? Anyways...what better way to celebrate than going shopping in their honor!
Use code {PRES30} to save 30% today!!

xoxo, karabears

Friday, February 13, 2015

It's Time to BLOOM!

I have yet to find a woman who does not have some sort of self-esteem issue as it pertains to her looks - whether it’s the shape of her body, a permanent scar or blemish, a body part that she just wishes was different - it seems that every single one of us females has a beef with something about ourselves. To the degree that it has an impact on our overall happiness in life. I’m not saying we’re curled up in the corner crying about it, but it’s something that creates maybe even the slightest bit of insecurity in us.

I’m no different than any of you and I have these same issues. In high school, some boys in my 10th grade Spanish class made fun of my nose and I’ve had a slight complex about it ever since. I know full well how nasty kids can be yet nearly 25 years later, I can still remember the words and how they hurt me and exactly how it made me feel inside when they were said to me. This probably resonates on some level with most of you. We have an event from our past, something someone said or did, that still haunts us, even though we know it doesn’t really mean anything. It still taps into that insecure part of us. 

These kinds of experiences carry over to how we perceive our bodies. There are only so many things we can change about our appearance short of plastic surgery. We are who we are. We are all unique and special and we are designed to be so. Yet our entire lives our society has projected on us what is “ideal” or “perfect”. We look to images that are not normal, are almost always photoshopped and manipulated somehow from the actual image and we compare ourselves to those. And most of us are a far cry from the “ideal” and so breeds our insecurity, a drop in our self worth and our overall self confidence. 

The images are not going anywhere. And whatever was said or done to you in the past that shaped the way you see yourself isn’t going to go away…you just have to stop carrying it around with. Society doesn’t show signs of warmly accepting women of all shapes and sizes anytime soon. With social media playing such a big role in our society today, there’s really not a way for us to get away from it. So what’s a girl to do?

First of all, I would propose we start treating our “sisters” as such. We are not each other’s enemy. We are all on the same team. We’re in this together. I can tell you for sure: when another woman provides me a genuine compliment, it means far more to me than coming from a man (well, unless it’s my man). We are so busy comparing ourselves to other women, often “hating on” them, that we don’t take the time to see what’s beautiful in them. We see in them what we perceive as wrong in ourselves. Give another woman a genuine compliment. If you’re in Starbucks and see a woman with a cute top - TELL HER!!! I promise you, this will take nothing away from your own awesomeness and will actually enhance your beauty. Trust me on this one. 

We need to start building each other UP instead of tearing each other down. I truly believe that a lot of our insecurities as women are bread by our own gender. It’s not the men - they really like pretty much anything. It’s our own selves being competitive and critical of one another. You don’t need the woman next to you to feel smaller so you feel better. Make her feel bigger, make her feel more and I guarantee, you too, will feel more. 

A flower doesn’t compare itself to the flower next to it, it just blooms. 

So go on…BLOOM!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Mineral Wash Trend

Hi Mermaids!

We are loving the Mineral Wash Trend right now.   Mineral Washing is a unique and interesting process.   Pumice stones are used to create a variance in color and the end result is a gorgeous, soft material.

Mineral Wash Midi Dress

We have added three gorgeous Mineral Wash pieces to our NBG collection online.  Our Mineral Wash Leggings are available in Ocean and Boho while our Mineral Wash Midi Dress (in black) will quickly become a Spring and Summer piece that you will constantly be reaching for in your closet.

mineral wash leggings Ocean
Comment below and share with us which your favorite Mineral Wash piece is and today only on our Mineral Wash Pieces ship for Free.

Monday, February 2, 2015

6 Style Tricks That EVERY Fashionista Should Know!

While scrolling through Pinterest last Saturday night, looking for style ideas, I came across this Pin with some of the BEST style tricks...literally the best EVER! So, I thought I would share the wealth of this knowledge with you lovely mermaids because hey...we could always use some awesome new shortcuts to make our fashion world easier!
1. How To Untangle Necklaces
Tip 1: Apply baby oil to the knot with a cotton swab. This will make the chains
slippery, and allow the knot to undo itself easier when you pull on the chain.
Tip 2: Insert a straight pin into the center of the knot, and pull up to separate the chains that your fingers can’t reach.
Tip 3: Sprinkle baby powder on the knot, which will act as a lubricant to make
the chains easier to pull apart.
2. How To Stop Your Sweater From Shedding
Seal the sweater in a Ziploc bag and put it in the freezer overnight. The coldness “locks in” the short fibers and stops them from shedding.
3. How To Deodorize Smelly Shoes
Tip 1: Place dry tea bags in the shoes
Tip 2: Sprinkle baking soda in your shoes
Tip 3: Spray inside the shoes with 1 part water, 1 part white distilled vinegar
4. How To Remove Yellow Armpit Stains
Take one part dishwashing soap, 2 parts hydrogen peroxide, and just a sprinkle of baking soda and mix together. Use a laundry brush to work the mixture into the stain, let the treated shirt sit for an hour, then wash as normal.
5. How To Remove Sweater Fuzz Balls 
Lay the sweater on a flat surface, and hold it taut while gently pulling your tool of choice (you can use a pumice stone, the textured side of a new sponge, or a disposable razor) across the fabric.
6. How To Never Get A Blister Again
Simply rub clear gel deodorant over the area, let it dry, and slip on your shoes. The deodorant will provide an invisible barrier between your skin and the shoe, as well as provide a very light lubrication to prevent friction—way better than an unsightly Band-Aid!
XOXO, karabears

Less Is More

As many of you know Julie (@iriefitgirl) is a guest blogger on Nobella Grace and I had to share this post. I have been working with Julie as my trainer for about a week, she put together the most amazing plan just for me. She knows my struggles (time, energy, eating enough during the whole day). I highly recommend her, and after you read this blog repost you will understand why, she is a woman who gets it.  

Why is it that we, as women, feel like we are “more” when we take up less space in the world? Have you ever thought about it that way?

This morning I was putting jeans on for the first time in 6 months. I was dreading it and I knew it was going to mess with my head once I finally did it. I think I had planned to get back to where my weight is more comfortable for me before I actually did the deed.

I walked into my closet assessing my jeans inventory to find out which pair was most likely to fit. Size 2…nope. Size 4…nope. Size 6…probably not and if it did it wouldn’t be pretty. Size 8…I guess it’s worth a try. Now, mind you, for someone of my size, an 8 is a healthy, fit size…far from “fat.” But these jeans used to fall off my body and now I’m thinking I’ll be lucky if I can cram my big ‘ole booty in there.

I did the mental prep – talking to myself about how it’s all going to be okay…as though not cramming my ass into this pair of jeans might end my world. Sad. I got the jeans on. Didn’t even have to lay down on the bed to button them. But…they were tight and they certainly weren’t going to fall off my body like the last time I wore them. It was an emotional moment and as I realized how tough it was for me to own this feeling I thought about it…why do I feel like “less is more?”

I know I’m not alone (especially in the world of physique competitors) and that is the reason I’m sharing this experience with you all. I know that I am a lot like many other women out there who struggle with fully accepting their bodies regardless of its current shape. As women, we are constantly transforming. Sometimes we carry more body fat than others. Sometimes that’s due to our life challenges that we may be dealing with or things like hormones from child birth to monthly cycles. We have days where nothing in our closet fits right and then we have our “skinny days” when all is right with the world.

I keep coming back to that question…WHY do we feel like more when we’re “less”? I don’t have an answer. I know that for me, personally, it’s not media or marketing or anything like that because I just don’t buy into that stuff. I know that I’m hardest on myself. I care about things that nobody else even sees. In discussions with many of my girlfriends I know this is a common feeling. We are our own worst enemy.

I don’t have an answer to the question right now, but this is kind of my year to get comfortable being uncomfortable. It’s my year to try to come to terms with my body in various shapes. I will do a powerlifting competition in May, so that means I’ll continue to carry a little extra body fat until then, despite my strong desire to start “cutting.” In October, I will step on stage to compete in Figure again, which means I’ll need to get as lean as possible. And then…I am committed to bringing my weight and body fat up to a healthy, maintainable level…without having to be overly strict with my diet and cardio. (This is something I always struggle with post-contest)

I know we are not designed to be perfect so we have to find a way to make peace with and accept and love ourselves in all our imperfections.