Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Songspiration

Pharrell+a song about being happy+a whole video of happiness=  The perfect way to start the weekend!

If you are on a mobile device and can't see the video click here

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Styled: Karrie Dress

My friends and I are obsessed with this dress!  It is cute in pictures but even more adorable and unique in person.  I love the back, it is so pretty!  This dress is going to be perfect for Spring and Summer but I also styled it with a denim shirt to show how you can rock in the winter too! :)

How would you style this dress?


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Raw Taco Tuesday!

We are completely obsessed with this recipe!  I made it for my Sis and Skylar a few Saturdays ago as a power lunch while we were taking photos, we all immediately were in complete awe of how a raw/ vegan recipe could be so delicious and fulfilling. Everyone who knows me, knows that I could eat burritos all day every day, live for salsa and put guacamole on everything.  So for me to feel that this could actually compete with my typical Mexican fare, is kinda a big deal.  

What I absolutely love about this recipe is that it uses a whole, all natural ingredient to imitate meat unlike many other vegan recipes that use the typical tofu/ tempeh/ processed fake meat.  I followed the walnut taco recipe exactly but decided to make my own toppings based on what I had on hand and what I traditionally would top a taco or burrito with.   This recipe is so healthy and so easy, with such a small ingredient list, that there is no reason not to give it a try!

Walnut Taco Mix 
(this makes about enough for 1-2 people, if you are making it for more than yourself I would def recommend doubling the recipe)
1 cup raw walnuts
1 Tbsp. nama shoyu (raw, unpasteurized soy sauce) or Raw Coconut Amino Acids (which is what I used)
1/8 tsp. ground chipotle pepper (or more if you like it spicy!)
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
Romaine, Butter Lettuce or Kale leaves to act as tortilla

Directions:1. Put all ingredients in a food processor and pulse just to mix. Don’t over-blend, or you will make butter!

Pico De Gallo
2-3 Tomatoes- diced
1/2 Onion- diced
Handful of Cilantro-chopped
Juice of 1/2-1 Lime (to taste)

Directions- Combine all ingredients and toss to mix

Guacamole Sauce
1 Ripe avocado- diced
Drizzle of Olive Oil
Salt to taste
Handful of Cilantro- Chopped
Juice of 1/2 a Lime

Directions-Combine all ingredients and mash until you achieve a smooth consistency.

Layer mix, pico de gallo and guac ontop of your favorite leafy green and enjoy!

We hope you try this recipe soon, let us know how you like it. :)


Monday, January 27, 2014

Grammy's Best Dressed

We love award shows- obviously because of the fashion!  Here are some of our favorite looks, what were yours?

This was my hands down favorite, I have no idea why but I think I'm in love with the color and it's refreshing to see a celebrity that doesn't feel the need to be half naked at an award show!

We can't get enough of this color!

We love Pink and the fact that she is always true to her own style

We love how Ciara dressed the baby bump- so beautiful!
56th GRAMMY Awards - Red Carpet

Love Beyonce's new do!


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Banana Muffin Goodness (Paleo and Gluten Free)

Happy Saturday Beauties!

Hurray for our first recipe post!  We hope to bring our favorite, go-to recipes from our homes to yours.  Disclaimer: I am HORRIBLE at food pictures!  Who knew they were pretty much the hardest thing ever?  So, please be patient while I work on that random skill set and I apologize in advance for cray pics that maybe don't portray these delish recipes in the best light. :) 

I know what you are thinking-no way on earth am I trying ANOTHER healthy recipe that ends up tasting like cardboard!

Well , I am here to PROMISE you that this is my go-to, fail proof, AH-mazingly delicious naturally sweetened, gluten free, Paleo, all natural, easy recipe that you just gotta try!  Even though I love the banana recipe, the Dude is a chocoholic and insists I make a chocolate version of everything.  Thus, I included the chocolate version that I make him as well.  :)

(If you don't already have these ingredients in your pantry, most of them can be found at your local health food store. I also linked to my favorite brands on my favorite health webstore.)

Ingredient List:
2 Cups Almond Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon All Spice
1/4 Teaspoon Nutmeg
1 Cup Dates (Pitted)
3 Eggs
3 Bananas
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil

***For Chocolate Version add:
2 additional Tablespoons of Coconut Oil

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Mix almond flour, baking soda, salt and spices in a bowl and set aside.
3. In a food processor add dates, eggs, bananas, ACV, coconut oil and mix for about a minute (until dates are pureed and all ingredients are mixed well.
4. Add in dry ingredients into food processor and mix until all ingredients are blended well
5. In a muffin pan (reg size will make about 12, mini size will make about 24) spoon in mix.  I do two spoonfuls per muffin for reg size or one per mini muffin.
6. Bake at 350 for about 25-30 minutes for reg size/ 15 min for mini size.  Check doneness with toothpick until it comes out clean.

***For Chocolate version- add cacao powder to dry ingredients and additional coconut oil to wet ingredients and follow directions above.

Enjoy Muchachas!  Let me know if you give this a recipe a whirl and what you think.  OR email us your fav muffin recipe! 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Songspiration

Hola Muchachas!

Today is Friday which means it's going to be a good day! :)

I can't get enough of this song, it puts me in a happy, upbeat, positive mood and is the perfect way to start the weekend.  How fun is this video?  There's nothing better than a good ole jam session., in a living room, with a million person band, drinking wine- sign me up! If my sis and I were in a band, it would totally be like this one (unless we could reincarnate ourselves as Jerry Garcia, Bob Marley or possibly join Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros just because whatever planet they are living on looks so mellow and oozing with good vibes)  Plus, I love their style.  It's not over the top, orchestrated or styled- you can tell it's their own, natural, personal style and we love that!

For whatever reason there is issues when viewing this post on your mobile device, click here to check out the video! :)

Hope you have a beautiful Friday and weekend full of fun, love and peace!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Spring Has Arrived

Ok, ok.... Not weather wise (I so feel for all of you on the East Coast today) but it has arrived online at Nobella Grace. The good news is you can snuggle up with a cup of coffee and think warm thoughts. 

Spring at Nobella Grace is rich in color, embroidered fabrics and romantic pieces. We are so excited to bring you all of these gorgeous textures, colors and fabrics. From our Stella Dress that incorporates so many different colors in the embroidered neckline, to our vibrant  Ziga Zaga On Over Cardigan; our Spring line can brighten up any wardrobe in an instant. 

Make sure you follow us on Instagram and Facebook as we post pictures of our pieces styled with items from our own closet.  Also be sure to leave us a comment of what you would be interested in reading on our blog. On our list to discuss is of course Fashion, Beauty, Healthy Living and Inspiration. Let us know what you think. 

Peace and love until next time friends! 


Happy Hump Day!


Hola Muchachas!  

It's already Wednesday and we are halfway through our week, that make me really happy! :)

It's Kaitlin here, Kristi's sister, and I am excited to be contributing to the new NBG blog!  I hope to bring you beauty, health tips, recipes and much more.  What else would you like to see on this blog? 

On a random personal note-do you ever have those days where you just want to through your hands in the air, give up and crawl into your bed until you can start a new day?  Yesterday was one of those days for me. I had a ridiculous, trying, and frustrating day at work which left me bitter and full of anger towards other people by the time I went home- which makes me even more angry that I let petty things ruin my day.  It's SO easy to let little things get to you and it's SO hard to let them go.   I was determined to get this toxicness out of my system by the time I went to bed, here is what I did ( it wasn't easy!):

  1. I worked out- I actually really just wanted to go home and drown my sorrows in a bottle of wine BUT I knew I would feel more empowered, clear headed and ready to let go if I worked up a good sweat.  It  helped me get those negative thoughts and feelings out of my head and I'm glad I made the right choice!
  2. I took a hot bath- This helped me unwind, relax and put things in perspective
  3. I listened to music- Bob Marley to be exact. How can you listen to Bob Marley and be in a bad mood?  You can't. It's impossible.  Music makes me happy! 
  4. I listed the POSITIVES about my job-whenever I start turning negative about anything in life, I start listing the positives and this helps me put things in perspective.  My #1 postitive- I have a job!  That is something to be grateful for.  I also have a very short commute (which is like winning the lotto in LA), I continue to grow and learn in my position, for the most part I work with cool people, etc.
  5. I went to bed early and ready to start fresh a new day!
How do you overcome difficult days?

Wishing everyone a happy, positive and joyous hump day!
