Sunday, October 11, 2015

{{Reveal}} Soul Coaching

 Happy Monday Mermaids! Below is the reveal for the interactive Soul Coaching reading.
I used the Soul Coaching Oracle Cards: What Your Soul Wants You to Know by Denise Linn.
Be sure to leave me a comment to let me know if these cards resonated with you!
I would love to hear your feedback! <3

Card #1 Delight
Card meaning: Clap your hands with joy and let your inner child play. Be silly or play hooky and take a day off. This isn't the time to buckle down and get to work; this is when you should be madcap and spontaneous. Have fun!
Your soul wants you to know: Your spirit guardians are delighted when you're filled with childlike wonder, joy, and exuberance! When just one person experiences true delight, this joyous energy radiates outward like ripples in a pool, reaching even the farthest shores of humanity. Your pleasure can rejuvenate you and can have a powerful healing effect on others.
Affirmation: "I delight in everything in my world, and divine joy fills me!"
Card #2 Embracing
Card meaning: Embrace all of your life, both the dark and the light. Dance with your shadow, and reclaim parts of yourself that you've denied. Embrace your past and what has been hidden or denied.
Your soul wants you to know: The path to wholeness is through accepting and embracing all parts of yourself. Every experience you've had - even the ones that you thought were bad - was important for your spiritual journey. What you deny in yourself can fester and even control your life. Embrace your darkness because you need every aspect of yourself in order to attain wholeness. Don't suppress your anger, bitterness, or fear to a place where it can grow in the deep recess of your being. Bring it to the light. Accept and love it all.
Affirmation: "I embrace and love all of my life."
Card #3 Essence
Card meaning: Find your essence. Simplify and contemplate in the Zen garden of your mind. Discover the stillness in the center of the cyclone; do what's important and let go of the rest.
Your soul wants you to know: Peel away everything that isn't truly you and let your essence shine. If you've ever watched a cut crystal hanging in a window in the sun, you'll remember seeing small rainbows around the room - yet they all emanate from the same source. You have different parts that comprise your identity, yet beneath it all is your spiritual core. Take time to find your source and live from your center. If something doesn't give you joy , don't do it (or find a way to make it more pleasurable). Don't try to expand your personal power and intent without first exploring and understanding the wisdom of your Soul.
Affirmation: "in my essence, I am joy!"

If you enjoyed this interactive reading, meet me back here on the Nobella Grace Blog every Monday so I can help get your week set off in the right direction with each card picked with YOU in mind! :)
XOXO, Karabears

1 comment:

  1. I chose the middle card. Embracing. This really hit home. I've been trying to live in the now, accept good and bad, and mostly, love myself. Despite my past. Thank you.
