Sunday, November 22, 2015

{Reveal} The Faeries' Oracle

Happy Monday mermaids! This week I have decided to use one of my newest oracle card decks, The Faeries' Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth to deliver your weekly motivational messages. Be sure to leave me a comment below with your feedback and if your message resonated with you! I'd love to hear it! <3

What is "faery"? "Faery" is an old term that embraces all the elves and gnomes and fairies and other folk, small and large, of the otherworld. It includes the angels whose wings spread across the cosmos, and the wee things that go bump in the night while they scrub your kitchen, tie your shoes neatly to each other, and knot elf locks in your hair as you sleep.
The word faery also means the place - Faery, the land of all the faeries, also known as the otherworld. Faery is alongside our everyday world, almost but not quite in synchronization with us, overlapping in some ways, different in others, and operating on a different level of energy.  
Using the Faeries' Oracle is not like reading with any other card deck, whether tarot or oracle. In other decks we are working with archetypes and intellectual concepts. In The Faeries' Oracle we are, of course, still concerned with those. However, we are also interacting with the living, breathing faery beings. They are just as real as we are, if not more so, but they are very different from us. These differences and the faeries' inimitable approach to life will provide us with some interesting joys, challenges, and experiences as we become acquainted with and use this deck.
Card #1 Nelys the Alchemyst
Inner Transformation. Irrevocable Change.
When Nelys turns up in your reading. get ready for things to happen, inwardly and outwardly. The stuck becomes unstuck, the blocked begins to move. You may have to run to keep up with the speed at which the situation around you is moving. You may also be surprised by the direction things (and you) are taking. You may find your plans, even your desires and dreams, changing as the transformative process takes place. It might not have been in your plans, but later on you will look back and say, "Wow! It wasn't what I expected, but it was just what I needed."
When we have been through such an alchemical process, we can never go back to what we were before - which is probably just as well.
Card #2 The Singer of Transfiguration
Transformation. Transcendence. Metamorphosis.
Jackpot! This card in a reading signifies the joy of success after a time of struggle. A new way of life has been accepted and is being integrated. A sense of inner peace is growing. The struggle has all been worth it. This is a time of consolidation and joy, and is both a reward for past achievements and a time of preparation for the next climb up the path.
Card #3 Gloominous Doom
Self-defeat. Self-Pity. Self-destruction. Taking care of ourselves.
It is time to face the fact that our attitudes and beliefs about ourselves are our own. We may have learned them from others, but the others are not responsible for them in the here and now. We are. If we choose self-pity and pessimism, we make a choice that makes our lives worse. When this card appears in a reading, it indicates that this is a time when understanding that concept is especially important - a time when there is some sort of a crunch in the situation that offers someone the opportunity to notice and change such self-destructive habits. If it is yourself, you know what you need to do. If it is someone else, you may wish to consider how you might support them in this opportunity for change. Can you make sure to give positive feedback at every appropriate opportunity? Can you refrain from nagging, scolding, or complaining at them when they get it wrong? These things help.

I hope you enjoyed this interactive reading! Be sure to meet me back here on the Nobella Grace Blog every Monday so I can help get your week set off in the right direction with each card picked with YOU in mind! :)
XOXO, Karabears

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