Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Spring Has Arrived

Ok, ok.... Not weather wise (I so feel for all of you on the East Coast today) but it has arrived online at Nobella Grace. The good news is you can snuggle up with a cup of coffee and think warm thoughts. 

Spring at Nobella Grace is rich in color, embroidered fabrics and romantic pieces. We are so excited to bring you all of these gorgeous textures, colors and fabrics. From our Stella Dress that incorporates so many different colors in the embroidered neckline, to our vibrant  Ziga Zaga On Over Cardigan; our Spring line can brighten up any wardrobe in an instant. 

Make sure you follow us on Instagram and Facebook as we post pictures of our pieces styled with items from our own closet.  Also be sure to leave us a comment of what you would be interested in reading on our blog. On our list to discuss is of course Fashion, Beauty, Healthy Living and Inspiration. Let us know what you think. 

Peace and love until next time friends! 



  1. I love all of the new pieces! There are a few that I wouldn't pick as "my style" but everything I get from you is so great I bought it anyway :)

    I've learned to trust your style judgement haha!

    1. Thank you Amanda! And thank you for trusting me ;) xoxo!
