Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happy Hump Day!


Hola Muchachas!  

It's already Wednesday and we are halfway through our week, that make me really happy! :)

It's Kaitlin here, Kristi's sister, and I am excited to be contributing to the new NBG blog!  I hope to bring you beauty, health tips, recipes and much more.  What else would you like to see on this blog? 

On a random personal note-do you ever have those days where you just want to through your hands in the air, give up and crawl into your bed until you can start a new day?  Yesterday was one of those days for me. I had a ridiculous, trying, and frustrating day at work which left me bitter and full of anger towards other people by the time I went home- which makes me even more angry that I let petty things ruin my day.  It's SO easy to let little things get to you and it's SO hard to let them go.   I was determined to get this toxicness out of my system by the time I went to bed, here is what I did ( it wasn't easy!):

  1. I worked out- I actually really just wanted to go home and drown my sorrows in a bottle of wine BUT I knew I would feel more empowered, clear headed and ready to let go if I worked up a good sweat.  It  helped me get those negative thoughts and feelings out of my head and I'm glad I made the right choice!
  2. I took a hot bath- This helped me unwind, relax and put things in perspective
  3. I listened to music- Bob Marley to be exact. How can you listen to Bob Marley and be in a bad mood?  You can't. It's impossible.  Music makes me happy! 
  4. I listed the POSITIVES about my job-whenever I start turning negative about anything in life, I start listing the positives and this helps me put things in perspective.  My #1 postitive- I have a job!  That is something to be grateful for.  I also have a very short commute (which is like winning the lotto in LA), I continue to grow and learn in my position, for the most part I work with cool people, etc.
  5. I went to bed early and ready to start fresh a new day!
How do you overcome difficult days?

Wishing everyone a happy, positive and joyous hump day!


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