Monday, December 14, 2015

{Reveal} Wild Unknown Tarot Reading

This week I decided to use my favorite tarot deck The Wild Unknown; written and illustrated by Kim Krans to give you your weekly message! Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know if your card resonated with you! 

Card #1 Three of Wands
Envisioning the Future

The three of wands indicates you've had continued support from others (perhaps from your parents or two good friends). With their help you've formed a sense of self, of your values and morals. But now it's time to rely on yourself for guidance. Clarify your goals, cast others' needs and opinions aside. The future is infinite and it is yours. No one else can see through its layers of light and shadow. 

Card #2 The Moon
Vivid Dreams and Fears

In many ways the moon card encompasses the idea of the wild unknown. It is the shadow realm, the place where dreams, fears, and mystery are born. Much darkness can linger here, and if you're not careful this can lead to periods of anxiety and self doubt...almost as though you've lost your way in a house of mirrors. Many great artists have roamed this inner landscape. It's where imagination and creativity drift freely upon the midnight air. 

Card #3 The Magician
Self-Empowerment, Action

The magician is a card of boundless, expansive energy. Whereas many of the major arcana deal with stillness or aspects of the mind...this card is all about action, action, action. It's time to see yourself as the wildcat - embrace his speed, grace, and abilities. Do not be afraid to begin. You have the power of all four elements within your reach, now is the time to use them. 

So I hope you enjoyed your weekly reading and be sure to join me back here on the NBG blog on Monday's for your weekly spread! 

Xoxo, karabears 

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