What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, which are often repeated, until they get impressed into the subconscious mind. This process then pushes the subconscious mind to take action and to strive to make the positive statement come true.
So in other words...when you think {Positive} and are {Positive}
Most people repeat in their minds, negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives and consequently, create undesirable situations. Words can work both ways...they either build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether they are going to bring in the good or bad. Your subconscious mind accepts as truth, what you keep telling yourself. It then attracts corresponding events and situations into your life. So, why not choose only positive statements in order to get positive results? You just always want to make sure that you're affirming in the present tense and not the future tense. For example...Saying, "I will be rich", means that you intend to be rich one day, in the indefinite future, but not now. It is more effective to say, and also feel, "I am rich now", and the subconscious mind will work at overtime to make this happen now, in the present.
Using positive affirmations daily has absolutely changed my life! I feel as though my soul is at peace, I have a new outlook on life, I'm happy and content, and all of the goals that I have set for myself are practically being handed to me on a silver platter! All from simply turning negative situations and thoughts into positive ones and looking for the good in everything! So...below I have listed some of the positive affirmations that I use on a daily basis. Feel free to tweak them to fit you or a specific situation that you're dealing with in your life and make them your own :)
Affirmations for Anxiety/Fear
-I am open to change and have replaced my anxiety with peace and acceptance.
-I am always centered and in the present moment in my life.
-I breathe in my courage and exhale my fear.
- I am free from worry and am at peace with who I am.
-I want love and love wants me.
-When I love myself, I am allowing others to love me too.
-I am worthy of love and respect.
-I am ready for a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship
Affirmations for Money
-Wealth flows to me and through me.
-I always have more than enough money.
-A constant stream of abundance flows towards me.
-My income is constantly increasing.
Affirmations for Happiness
-Life supports me and wants me to be fulfilled and happy.
-I love myself and life.
-Each day I know I am evolving into a more fulfilled person.
-I attract only good things in my life.
Affirmations for Healing
-I release all negative thoughts and replace them with love.
-I am physically and emotionally connected and healed.
-All of my cells are filled with love and light.
-I release all dis-ease from my body and welcome health, love, and happiness into my life.
Affirmations for Success
-Infinite creative energy flows through me.
-I deserve to have a successful career and I accept it now.
-I accept and allow success in all areas of my life.
-I am successful in everything I do.
Affirmations for Anger
-I forgive myself and set myself free.
-I let go of the anger and pain in order to welcome new beginnings into my life.
-I replace my anger with understanding and compassion.
-Today I will choose kindness over anger.
Affirmations for Strength
-I am stronger than this challenge and this challenge is making me even stronger.
-I will be all places and all things.
-I am in control of my life.
-I persist and persevere no matter what.
XOXO, karabears
Kara this post is wonderful and exactly what I needed today! Love it!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much love!! I'm so glad that I decided to blog about this subject and I really hope that you will be able to benefit from it greatly!! :)
DeleteKara girl, this is truly wonderful!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! That truly warms my heart and I hope some of these will benefit you and help you through those tough times!! :)