Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thursday Thoughts with Kristi

Good Morning Mermaids!

Today is the official one year mark and I am ecstatic as 50-90% of businesses fail within their first year. I remember those words all too well when I as in college at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. I went in wanting to be a buyer for Nordstrom, somewhere along the line thought I wanted to open my own business and left with a sales job working for a wine and spirits company.  Life is so unpredictable but I am thankful for my journey as it has led me exactly where I am today. So many of you have shared what you love about Nobella Grace with such kind and beautiful words and today I am going to share what I love.

When I started NBG I wrote in my business plan that I wanted every women to feel beautiful about herself, whether the stay at home Mom who only treats herself once in a while or the busy college student who eats Ramen so she can buy that dress she has had her eye on (I have worn many hats and can totally relate to both in life).  My goal was to have excellent customer service, have our customers feel like they are shopping with their best friend, great pricing, and leave a positive mark in everything NBG touches.  I am very proud of what NBG has become but it is all of you who have made NBG what it is today.

Many of you know that 4 days after I opened Nobella Grace my life changed forever.  My husband was in a serious surfing accident and while we are thankful for the miracle that he survived he was left with a traumatic brain injury.  I was so blessed I started NBG the day I did, during that time of difficulty I was able to push myself farther than I ever knew was possible.  So many of you reached out to me in the months he was in brain rehabilitation and let me know you cared and NBG was making a difference in your lives.  The positive intention that I had put out into the world with NBG was coming back to me ten fold, so many of you helped carry me through my hardest days.  For this I am forever thankful.

I feel like NBG is a huge, awesome family who focuses on not only our own needs but those around us.  So many of us have become friends through NBG after finding each other through our own struggles, which is a huge part of life.  I thank each and every one of you for the positive impact you have made in my life and making my dream as a little girl become a reality.  We are so looking forward to the amazing year ahead of us.  This past year we were able to expand with our children's, curvy and home décor line along with our Bella Box Personal Styling Service. We have so many more great things coming your way, thank you for sharing this journey with us.

With Love and Gratitude,



  1. I love this post, Kristi! So heartfelt and beautiful! Thank you for everything my sweet friend...for being YOU, introducing me to Nobella Grace, and being an amazing and positive person in my life. Forever grateful for you and our friendship!

  2. Love this post! You have overcome so much and have made an amazing business! So excited to see what else is in store in the next year!
